Friday, January 18, 2008


And now for some random gossips:
Casper and the Cookies will play their last show Athens show of the winter on Fri. Jan 25th at Farm 255 (of all places...). They'll be hitting Japan like a power-pop tsunami on Feb. 5th for a 9-day tour promoting the release of "Optimist Club" on Waikiki records.

Talking about Cookies, on Thu. Jan. 24th, Flicker will host the premiere of a new band composed of Joe R. (guitar), Jim H. (drums) and two other guys whose name I forgot (sorry). The name of the band isn't cast in stone as I write this line, but expect something along the lines of "Joe Rowe's Coming-Out Party". Or maybe not.

Sat. 24th Andy from Denver / The Lolligags was short (4 songs for Andy, 5 for the Lolligags), but really excellent. Andy played a slightly more subdued set than the day before at Flicker, without suggestive dances nor powerglove, but endearing nevertheless. The Lolligags quickly won over the part of the audience who were only discovering them, and Leslie overcame her natural shyness to give us some sweet moves.

Andy will spent 21 days at the end of March, beginning of April on the road for a East Coast/ MidWest show with Keith John Adams. More about that when we'll get closer to the dates.

The Lolligags just spent the week-end recording two new songs with Jason NeSmith at his Bel-Air studio. "Best behavior" isn't fully mixed yet, but amateurs of English education will be pleased. "Carnival" is also still in draft, but we have a hit here already: think Siouxsie meets DM meets Goldfrapp meets the Cure, with a killer groove. 2008, the year of twoth, remember ? By far the most exciting song I've heard all year. Sorry, I can't post anything now, so go and visit their myspace page. Oh, and there are rumors of remixes...

And... That's all for today. Stay warm, I'll be near the carousel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You just couldn't wait to blab could you Frenchie? HEH! Love you too!